... | @@ -15,43 +15,40 @@ Aims/overview |
... | @@ -15,43 +15,40 @@ Aims/overview |
The high-level description of the goals and design rationale is exposed in the *ROS for HRI* Enhancement Proposal (REP).
The high-level description of the goals and design rationale is exposed in the *ROS for HRI* Enhancement Proposal (REP).
The work-in-progress document can [be found here](rep).
The work-in-progress document can [be found here](ROS-REP).
**In short**: for each of the sub-domains listed hereafter, we essentially want to come up with:
**In short**: for each of the sub-domains listed hereafter, we essentially want to come up with:
1. adequate messages to describe the data relevant to that domain. These messages are found in the [hri_msgs](https://git.brl.ac.uk/echos/hri_msgs) repository.
1. adequate messages to describe the data relevant to that domain. These messages are found in the [hri_msgs](https://caidin.brl.ac.uk/ROS4HRI/hri_msgs) repository.
1. a short list of software modules that provide and/or consume this data
1. a short list of software modules that provide and/or consume this data
1. where needed, ROS wrappers for these modules
1. where needed, ROS wrappers for these modules
On top of that, some shared messages/tools need to be agreed & created, namely:
On top of that, some shared messages/tools need to be agreed & created, namely:
1. a naming convention for [HRI-related frames](#tf-frames) (in particular, for the human body)
1. a naming convention for [HRI-related frames](Poses-&-frames) (in particular, for the human body)
1. [visualisation tools](viz) for HRI
1. [visualisation tools](viz) for HRI
1. a definition of a [social context](social-context) type to more accurately describe interaction-related datatypes
1. possibly, a definition of a [social context](social-context) type to more accurately describe interaction-related datatypes
Cross-domain conventions
Cross-domain conventions
Humans (or, in the general case, *agents*) are associated to an **unique identifier** (UUID), that a robot might attempt to persist across sessions (to be able to recognise previously seen people) or might want to forget (when there is no need/no desire to remember human participants.
Humans are associated to an **unique identifier** (UUID), that a robot might attempt to persist across sessions (to be able to recognise previously seen people) or might want to forget (when there is no need/no desire to remember human participants).
An agent is represented by the [type Agent.msg](agent).
This persistent identifier is completed by transient *face IDs* and *body IDs*.
All HRI related messages can be `AgentStamped` by adding a field `agent` of [type Agent.msg](agent).
The interactions and semantics of these IDs are described in details on the [Human representation](Human-representation) page.
See the conventional [human detection/recognition/identification pipeline](human_identification).
The reference pipeline to detect and recognise humans is described on the [human detection/recognition/identification pipeline](human-identification-pipeline) page.
The work is split by sub-domains:
The work is split by sub-domains:
1. [Physical HRI](phri) (including haptics, fatigue)
1. [Physical HRI](physical-hri) (including haptics, fatigue)
1. [Teleoperation](teleoperation)
1. [Teleoperation](teleoperation)
1. [Human postures, gestures](gestures), [action recognition](action-recognition)
1. [Human postures](poses-&-frames), [gestures, action recognition](action-recognition)
1. [Speech, Dialogue, Non-verbal communication](communication)
1. [Speech, Dialogue, Non-verbal communication](Verbal-&-non-verbal-communication)
1. [Emotions](emotions), [facial expressions](facial-expressions)
1. [Face analysis](face-analysis) and in particular, [Emotions](emotions)
1. [Gaze, Attention](gaze)
1. [Gaze, Attention](gaze-&-attention)
TF frames
For the proposed body frames, see [human posture](gestures) |